- Request to archive an account
- Will closing an account cancel any pending payments from the account?
- Do you store account statement for closed account and can we access them after the account is closed?
- When are monthly statements generated?
- Can closed accounts be reopened?
- Can we change the deposit settings for a deposit account?
- Can an account number be changed?
- Can we obtain a voided check?
- How can we get the accrued interest to a customer if their account is closed?
- Can we track final balance checks?
- How can we create an automatic debit from an account?
- The customer is approved, when should we expect for the account to be created?
- What should we do if a third-party vendor is requesting additional account verification?
- Can we unarchive a customer?
- What information is required if there has been a name change for a business on an account?
- If an account is designated as Sole Proprietor, what happens to the assets when the account owners passes?
- What is the timeframe for a remaining balance check to be cashed?
- When final balance checks are mailed, what is the mailing name for business accounts?
- What should we do if a customer says our routing number isn’t recognized by another bank or utility?
- What types of accounts are available?
- Downloading Statements for the Revenue Account
- How often does Unit pay out interchange revenues and deposit fees?
- What funding methods are available for accounts?
- Are downloadable statements available for our Revenue Account?
- Does Unit charge fees on transfers between accounts on our platform?
- Why does a particular transaction not appear in the monthly statement?
- How do we withdraw funds from our revenue account?
- What does a hold on an account mean?
- When are final balance checks mailed? Can they be mailed to a different address?
- Can end-customers overdraft their deposit accounts?